5 Reasons to Shop Small

Shopping local is an excellent way to show your support for small business owners and the local economy. Here are five reasons why you should choose to shop from small and local businesses:

#1 Supporting your local town

Shopping locally helps to keep money in your own community, as opposed to funneling it to corporate entities. This is important for the survival of small businesses in your area, as well as providing jobs and boosting the local economy. Every £1 spent locally 70p stays local.

#2 Having a personal connection with business owners

Shopping locally means that you will be able to interact directly with owners and employees, who are much more likely to be passionate about their products and understand your needs. This level of personal connection can provide you with a much better customer experience than what you would have in a big-box store.

#3 Experience unique products and services

Local businesses often specialize in unique items or services that you won't find at chain stores. From handmade crafts to personalized customer service, shopping local is a great way to get something truly special and one-of-a-kind.

#4 Building stronger communities

When you shop locally, it shows your commitment to being socially responsible and helping your community thrive. This can have a positive effect on the real estate market as well since local businesses create more foot traffic and increasing property values.

#5 Creating local jobs

When you buy from local businesses, you’re helping create more jobs right in your community. This not only bolsters the local economy but also helps keep money circulating within the community—which is great news for everyone!